
    To go along with my education at UNC I've started working through SoloLearn's Certificates. It's more of a fundamentals course that proves you know the basics whereas UNC's Bootcamp is building a portfolio to showcase the application of your education.

    So far I've earned my certificates in HTML and CSS courses. I'm currently working my way through their JavaScript course. It's been very helpful and helps easily explain the fundamentals in a simplistic way to build a good foundation for UNC's complexity. 

    My favorite feature of SoloLearn has to be that it can be accessed from a desktop or mobile app. It's been nice to lay down in bed next to my wife and while she's watching her shows go through a few concepts in a course without having to bring my laptop into bed. 

    I've set a personal goal to learn as much as I can by the time our son is born in December. I want to be as competitive as possible when going into the IT industry. My hope is that one day I'll be able to work remotely in a home full of children with my wife and our animals. While also not having to look at my bank account before filling up my car with gas or pushing back an important doctor's appointment because we don't have the money for the copay. Where our work-life balance is in harmony and we can spend more time visiting family and enjoying our hobbies. 

"The important thing is that you've got a strong foundation before you start to try to save the world or help other people."

- Richard Branson

HTML Fundamentals
Issued: 23 June 2020 

CSS Fundamentals
Issued: 24 June 2020 

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