Responsive Portfolio

    For our second assignment, we were given only a few pictures and asked to design a mobile-first application with a responsive design from scratch using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Designing the layout itself was simple enough, but having never worked with an RWD (Responsive Web Design) before making the layout shift depending on the resolution of the device proved to be a little difficult. Especially because I completed the assignment before we started the lesson. I've always been an independent learner throughout my educational history. I've always preferred to learn from my mistakes and troubleshoot a problem myself first. I feel like I learn more that way. It's nice to be able to learn yourself than have someone else come behind you and elaborate. It's like getting twice the development. Part of what I've started doing is adding a serious amount of formatting and comments to my source code. It makes it easier for the instructors to come behind me and see where my head's at. It also will be good practice going forward in my career after this Bootcamp is over.

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