Object Grind

    2k20 has been a bit crazy for everyone and unfortunately, my life's been no exception. I was recently laid-off from the travel industry after working at over 11 stores, 2 airports, relocating twice, and receiving 4 promotions. I was one of the top sales and service employees every month throughout the 2.5 years at my company. I even took the top management spot and my team maintained the top 8 spots several months in a row out of almost 100 other employees. We even achieved the highest customer service score in over 6 years and was able to continue to maintain it until March 2k20 when COVID-19 wreaked havoc on the world economy. 

    During this past year, I've learned a lot and have had some remarkable milestones. My wife and I got married this past October, we moved into our first home in April and have our first child due in December. Taking a step back and looking at things I'm very grateful and the time I've had recently has allowed me to rethink my plans for the future. I've always been goal-oriented and now my goals have once again changed. I've always been looking for financial stability, personal growth, and development while being able to help those around me. When looking back to what I enjoyed I thought about the magnet school I attended and the fun I had with the small team of students that all took the same classes and pioneered the IT courses for a new innovative program. So, I reached out to a few of my former classmates to see what they've done with their lives and that's when I knew what I wanted. 
    After much research, I've enrolled in UNC-Chapel Hill's Coding Boot Camp. It's a 24-week program that can change my life forever. I will graduate from the program at the same time as my son is due to be born in December. I've even started learning fundamental certificates from SoloLearn at the same time. I've been giving it my all from the get-go and will strive to be at the top of my graduating class. I've even started reaching out to the UNC's Career Services Department to get a head start on becoming, as they say, "Employer Competitive". 

    I'm spending the last of what I have trying to stay afloat while investing in my education in hopes to change my family's life. The current job market for my current qualification is oversaturated with candidates within higher education and more experience who's willing to get paid half of what I need to just to live paycheck to paycheck. I'm relying on my drive and determination to get me to the next level. for some 2k20 will mark a point in their life of turmoil, for me it will be about all new beginnings. 

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