Server-Side APIs

Developers are often tasked with retrieving data from another application's API and using it in the context of their own. Third-party APIs allow developers to access their data and functionality by making requests with specific parameters to a URL. This week we focused on using the OpenWeather API to retrieve weather data for cities. 

The following image demonstrates the assigned application functionality:

The following image demonstrates the end result of the application functionality:

The following image demonstrates the mobile result of the application functionality:

You can check it out here.

Third-Party APIs

As we venture more into jQuery we've also been using third party API's like Moment's JavaScript library to be able to work with dates and times and create a local workday schedule with an active hourly update. We were giving a basic HTML file for the bones of the program however as a challenge to myself I deleted the contents of the main table and used JavaScript and jQuery to recreate the schedule's table. To go a step further I always created the ability to save all the contents of the array at the same time instead of the original method of saving each row separately as well as creating a content clearing button that will delete the local storage.

The original project was to look similar to this:

After adding a bit more to it I ended up with this:

Please take a look at it here!

Web API's

This week we learned about DOM API's and were tasked with making a quiz. Our instructor explained that in our careers we will probably be asked to complete a coding assignment which is typically a combination of multiple-choice questions and interactive challenges. I built a timed quiz focused on coding questions to prepare to be employer ready at the end of this course for the first 4 chapters. it was a responsive web design using JavaScript (53.2%) CSS (28.5%) and HTML (18.3%). I've started to add a signature footer to the end of my designs to lead back to me encase someone likes my GitHub designs. This was a bit challenging assignment due to the fact that I was trying to go beyond the requirements and create something more realistic. The Highscore's are sorted numerically by the highest to lowest, the input box will only take up to 4 initials, it's a fully responsive design to be able to quiz yourself on your phone and it even has a y overflow for the scoreboard encase you go over 7 scores. I'm going to continue working on designs more like this going forward. My goal is to be able to compete professionally. Also, I've realized that as the course has continued I've started laying the framework with HTML and making the design with CSS but Java is opening up a lot more functionality for the user. I'm excited to see where we go next!

Check it out here: Web APIs: Code Quiz


In our 3rd chapter, we started learning JavaScript. I've had previous knowledge of HTML and CSS, but JavaScript is something I have had very little experience with before this. After learning the basics we were tasked with creating a password generator that can take various inputs and randomize the output with the given conditions. 

You can check it out here: JavaScript: Password Generator

Graphics Card Update

I've always had a good graphics card on my gaming computer, but I've recently updated my customer built pro audio computer. I've been using this computer for my audio engineering work and have recently been using it for coding too. The dual monitors were a big help when looking at source code and the browser. I've installed the GTX 1650 Super. It allows for 4 monitors and will help me not only code and record easier, but it allows me to edit video too. On top of that, it outputs the graphic quality needed to use my monitor for photo editing as well. I highly recommend it for anyone coding, using Pro Tools, Photoshop, or anything similar.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design (RWD) makes your web page look good on all devices uses only HTML and CSS. It's a modern way of making a design for the best experience for all users regardless of what device they are using to view your website. Having a design that's Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop friendly is huge for the impact it has on a customer's experience. Going forward it will be a valuable skill set that I will strive to perfect over time.


This blog even has it's own RWD preview before you post so you know what it will look like on different platforms!


    To go along with my education at UNC I've started working through SoloLearn's Certificates. It's more of a fundamentals course that proves you know the basics whereas UNC's Bootcamp is building a portfolio to showcase the application of your education.

    So far I've earned my certificates in HTML and CSS courses. I'm currently working my way through their JavaScript course. It's been very helpful and helps easily explain the fundamentals in a simplistic way to build a good foundation for UNC's complexity. 

    My favorite feature of SoloLearn has to be that it can be accessed from a desktop or mobile app. It's been nice to lay down in bed next to my wife and while she's watching her shows go through a few concepts in a course without having to bring my laptop into bed. 

    I've set a personal goal to learn as much as I can by the time our son is born in December. I want to be as competitive as possible when going into the IT industry. My hope is that one day I'll be able to work remotely in a home full of children with my wife and our animals. While also not having to look at my bank account before filling up my car with gas or pushing back an important doctor's appointment because we don't have the money for the copay. Where our work-life balance is in harmony and we can spend more time visiting family and enjoying our hobbies.